Throwing the stones (Jimar)

Throwing the stones

A Report on the issues of Hajj

By Sheikh Khalid Bin Abd Al Aziz Al Hueiseen

Compiled by: Abu Mujahed Al Maziani

Throwing the stones (Jimar) :

1- It is one of the obligations of Haj (Wajeb) as well as a slogan and part of Allah’s remembrance.

2- Scholars are consensus about the the obligation of stoning which should start only after midnight of Eid day.

3- According to the Messenger Salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam, he picked up the stones needed for this ritual while on his way to the Jamratel A`ba (in Mina) not at Muzdalefah like the majority of people belive. Narrated under the authority of Ibn Abbas that the Messenger Salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam picked it up as soon as he arrived to Mina.
4- Picking up the stone from any place is permissible, be it from Muzdalefah, Mina or even Mecca.

5- On the 10th day, one throws only Jamratul A`qaba which is the fartherst one from Mina. It is also called the Major. Its location is closer to Mecca.

6- While picking the stones, one must observe the features established by the Messenger Salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam. As such the size of the stone must be equals to a chick – pea, half of a fingertip or what comes close to this in size.
7- On Eid day 910th of Dhulhijjah), Jamartul a`qaba is stoned using 7 stones. Neither the middle or the smallest is to be stoned on that day.

8- On the 11th of Dhulhijjah which is the first day of Tashareeq, the smallest, the middle then the largest are stoned in the same order each with 7 stones.

9- The same manner is followed on the rest of the days.

10- The time on which the stoning process is allowed to begin may during the Tashareeq days is after Zohr prayer. Again following the order which to begin with the smallest, the middle then the largest.

11- According to Sunnah, as for the position one must take while throwing the stones, the smallest one must be on the left hand side of the person while stoning while the middle on the right hand side. As for stoning the largest, as per the Messenger Salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam, one must stand facing it directly.

12- The largest Jamrah must be stoned from the front direction not behind. The majority of opinions see that stoning the largest from behind invalidates the rite.

13- According to Sunnah, while stoning the smallest one must step a bit forward and makes dua. The same process is repeated while stoning the middle. However, no dua is made when stoning the largest.
14- No specific Dua made during the stoning process of the smallest and middle but rather whatever one chooses.

15- The reason for not making dua while stoning the largest is the Sunnah.

16- One must makes Takbeer (say Allah u Akbar) with throwing each stone.
17- The manner of stoning according to Sunnah is to raise the hand and makes Takbeer while stoning. A number of scholars see that placing the stone in the location is invalid. But rather one must throw the stones.

18- In case one doubts the number of stones thrown, he/she may add one.

19- In case one doubted whether or not the stone did land in the proper location, while the major probability is that it did land makes it valid.

20- In case one switched the order of stoning as started with the middle, must go back and start at the smallest, then middle then the largest.

21- In case one stoned the largest on 11th, 12th and 13th, then the middle then the smallest. He/she must re stone only the middle then the largest.

22- But if he/she stoned the middle, the largest then the smallest, he/she must re stone the middle and largest.

23- If one stoned the smallest using only 6 stones and 7 for the middle and largest, then realized doing that upon returning to the place of accommodation, he/she must make up the missing stone on the next day.

24- It is permissible to collect all the stones on one day or day per day.

25- An incapable person may delegate the stoning process to someone else.

26- A fit person who can stone him/herself is not allowed for delegation though.

27- Majority of scholars see it is a must to ensure the landing of stones in the proper location.

28- However, if the stone was thrown into the location then went out, it is still valid.

29- Stoning the standing pillar itself is not Sunnah.

30- It is preferable to stone while standing on the lower level. Yet is still permissible to stone from above.
31- In case a one was sure that a stone didn’t land in the proper place, he/she must throw another.

32- The location of stoning was not surrounded by virtue of a hadeeth. Therefore Hanafi jurists see that when a stone lands near the specified location is valid. However, to overcome the conflict and be on the safe side with the validity of the rite, it is preferable to ensure throwing the stones into the proper made location.

33- One who is delegated to stone for another person, must start first by stoning for him/herself then the delegatee.

34- Yet it is still valid to stone for the delegatee first.

35- Also it is allowed to alternate while throwing. Like to throw one for him/herself, then one for the delegate, for him/herself and so forth.

36- Using large stones is probably allowed, but is against the Sunnah.

37- One who is not performing Haj is not allowed to be delegated for stoning.

38- Tiny stones are not to be used.

39- Washing the stones is not recommended unless it contains impure material.

40- In case two stones hit to each other and both landed in the proper location, both are counted and valid. But in case one pushed away the other, the landed one is counted while the other must be repeated.

41- In case one missed one stone, he/she may pick one from the area around the location.

42- There is not evidence that prevents taking a stone from the location of stoning.

43- In case one throws a stone which fell into the laps of another, then the other person did throw it while taking the intention that it is a shot on his/her behalf it then counts for this person other wise it counts for the original one who made the shot.

44- Mud, coal, clay or cement are not to be used for stoning, only stones.

45- It is permissible to take a large stone and brake it down to small pieces.

46- In case one made a shot using all the stones at once, it is counted only one and still have to continue to make them 7. He/she needs to add 6 more.

47- In case the time span during which stoning is permitted (sunset of the 13th Dhulhijjah) ended with one only threw 6 stones. His/her ritual is correct and valid, no ransom is required.

48- It is preferable to repeat the shot in case the stone landed on the wall of the location. It is still valid even if he/she didn’t re stone.

49- It is also permissible to delay the stoning and make it all on the 13th of Dhulhijjah. Still he/she must follow the order of stoning the smallest, middle then largest. If time becomes tight and one is concerned to miss the stoning when sunset of the 13th is close. He/she may throw the stones for each day while in the same location, in other words does not have to move between the small, middle and large.

50- Last day of stoning is the sunset of the 13th Dhul -hijjah.

51- A sacrifice (slaughtering an animal) is required to be distributed in Mecca when one missed the stoning process all together.

A Report on the issues of Hajj

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