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The Elements of Victory

The Elements of Victory Allah (SWT) granted the believers #victory after victory in dif-ferent campaigns, in Badr, #Makkah, Hunayn, #Quds, in Spain, and many other places. Allah’s help to the #believers, is the ful-fillment of His […]

Conquest of Makkah

Conquest of Makkah

Conquest of Makkah As in the Battle of Badr, the month of Ramadan was the time in which #Allah chose to grant the believers their biggest victory ever. In the eighth year of Hijrah in the Islamic […]

Month Farewell

Bidding the Month Farewell

Bidding the Month Farewell Allah (SWT) has mandated on us three acts to observe at the end of Ramadan. Zakatul-Fitr, Takbeer, and ‘Eid Prayer #Takbeer Allah has ordained upon the believers the utterance of takbeer, ‘Allah is […]

Fasting in Religions

Comparison between the Fasting in Islam and Other Religions

Comparison between the Fasting in Islam and Other Religions Al-Islam, has taken the lead in reforming the institution of fast-ing. This was a radical reform in the meaning, rules and pur-pose of the fast. It […]

Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification

Behavior Modification One of the most important things fasting affords the observer is helping him control or change his or her #habits, the reason be-ing human life is an embodiment of acquired habits. To change or control […]

Fasting Patience


Patience Fasting helps in conditioning the heart, the soul, and the body on the virtues of #patience, tenacity, and firmness in the face of adversity. Patience is the pinnacle of self-mastery, discipline and spiritual agility. Patience is to […]

Health Care

Health Care

Health Care The benefits of fasting transcend guiding the faster from idle talk and indecent acts. It is a sentinel against disease, provided the faster follows the strict dietary rule: eat during fast breaking and avoiding over-eating. Allah […]


Social Outlook

Social Outlook Socially, fasting is an expression of solidarity with the poor, the family and the whole society. This is a period in which the rich have first-hand experience of what it is to be poor, […]

Family Ties

Family Ties

Family Ties Fasting strengthens family ties, especially in that the family is an endangered institution in western society. It helps the family gather together to break fast, at Iftar, and eat sahuur together at least twice a day […]

Ramadan Believers

Ramadan Believers

Ramadan Believers There are some Muslims who run away from all aspects of worship. They use all their energies, not for good deeds, but living a worldly life empty of faith. But come Ramadan, they will head […]