We #believe that there will be another life after this life.
When the determined term of this life comes to an end, #Allah will command an #Angel to sound the Trumpet and all #mankind and all other creatures will die.
Then he (#Angel) will sound it again, when, behold, all dead since #Adam will stand out of their graves.
Then, #Allah will gather all people to account them for what they did:
Those who believed (in Allah), accepted the #Messengers (as truthful) and did good deeds (commanded by Allah), Allah will put them in Paradise.
In Paradise, they will enjoy eternal Bliss.
But those who rejected the Messengers and disobeyed Allah’s commands, will be put in Hell.
In Hell Fire, they will be in continuous eternal punishment.
O Allah! We ask Your Paradise and seek refuge with You from Fire of Hell! Aameen!
Allah (Glory be to Him) says: “As for those who had transgressed all bounds; and had preferred the life of this world; the Abode will be Hell-Fire. And for those who had feared of standing in front of their Lord’s (Tribunal); and had restrained (their) souls from lower desires; their Abode will be Paradise.” (The Qur’an 79:37-41)
We believe in the timeless knowledge of Allah and in His power to plan and execute His plans and nothing could happen in His Kingdom against His will.
His knowledge and power are in action and command at all times over His creation.
He is Wise and #Merciful and whatever He does must have a meaningful purpose.
If this is established in our minds and hearts, we should accept with good faith all that He does,
Although we may fail to understand it fully, or think it is bad.
Deeds in Islam are of two main categories:
‘Ibadat, these are the rituals, or devotional duties, of worship: Salat, Zakat, Siyam, and Hajj.
Mu’amalat, these include all life activities related to the individual, family, society, or the whole ‘Ummah (Muslim Community at large), political, economic, cultural, legal, ethical…, national or international.
Mu‘amalat when carried out in fulfillment of Allah’s Shari’a (Law) will be a sort of “Worship” in the general sense.
In this pamphlet, Mu’amalat will not be dealt with. You have to consult in each case either a book of Fiqh (Islamic Law) or any well informed Muslim scholar or authority.
The practical Pillars (Foundations) of Islam are Five:
The two #Shahadas (Declarations of submission to Allah)
#Salat (Prayer)
#Zakat (Poor Due)
#Siyam (Fasting of Ramadhan)
#Hajj (Pilgrimage)